IBM Z Customer Council – San Juan, Puerto Rico

Details Price Qty
Customer/BusinessPartner Registration $0.00 USD   Goes On Sale
September 19, 2024
IBM Registration $0.00 USD   Goes On Sale
September 19, 2024
  •  October 15, 2024
     10:45 AM EDT - 4:45 PM EDT






Join us!

The mainframe landscape is continually changing.  We will cover how the platform has evolved to deliver new business services and capabilities and how you can harness them.


To start the day, Joanie Gines will provide an Executive Welcome and discuss one of IBMs newest developments – IBM watsonx Assistant.  This new solution empowers anyone in your organization to effortlessly build generative AI Assistants that deliver frictionless self-service experiences to customers across any device or channel, help boost employee productivity, and scale across your business.

IBM LinuxONE delivers an infrastructure with the outstanding speed, scalability, security and reliability needed to host thousands of SQL Databases like Oracle, Postgres EDB, Db2 as well as NoSQL databases like MongoDB.  Pedro Acosta and Charles Keeling will discuss the unique characteristics, high availability, scalability architectures, latest releases information, tools, and specific use cases of those databases.  They will also explain the advantages that running these databases on LinuxONE provide.

Then, Evan Rivera will share current and future directions of the IBM Z AI Strategy. He will cover the new AI capabilities IBM delivered with the Telum chip to enable clients to leverage AI at scale and in real-time on every business transaction to improve fraud detection, deepen customer insights and drive faster IT decisions to create new revenue opportunities. He will also discuss a broad range of AI use cases that demonstrate the benefits of leveraging AI in enterprise applications.

Continuing the session, Raichel Babu and Joshua Stiles will provide a comprehensive overview of IBM Z Performance and Capacity Analytics (IZPCA), demonstrating how it equips IT teams with actionable insights to enhance system performance and streamline capacity planning. They will give a live demo featuring IZPCA’s user-friendly reports, real-time monitoring, and advanced analytics tools, offering a practical understanding of how to proactively address performance challenges and anticipate future capacity requirements.

The world is constantly changing, with new opportunities and risks occurring almost daily. Businesses require an infrastructure with flexibility and agility to move their businesses forward. With IBM z16, clients can proactively avoid disruptions from events such as natural disasters by shifting capacity and production workloads between IBM z16 systems at different IBM sites on demand. Eduardo Oliveira will discuss how IBM Z Flexible Capacity for Cyber Resiliency offers clients another resource to reinforce their resiliency posture.




10:45 AM Arrival and Check – in
11:00 AM Opening Remarks
11:10 AM IBM watsonx Assistant*
Joanie Gines, IBM
12:10 PM Lunch
1:30PM Linux on IBM Z Databases*
Pedro Acosta and Charles Keeling, IBM
2:15 PM IBM Z AI Strategy and Use Cases
Evan Rivera, IBM
3:15 PM Break
3:30 PM Optimizing Mainframe Performance and Capacity
Raichel Babu, IBM and Joshua Stiles, 21CS
4:15 PM IBM Z Flexible Capacity para Cyber Resiliency*
Eduardo Oliveira, IBM
4:45 PM Closing Remarks
5:00 PM Happy Hour
07:00 PM Departure

*en Español


For more information, contact your IBM representative, Kenishia Callaway[email protected] or Tali De Gourville – [email protected].


At this IBM function, IBM is providing lunch and/or promotional items and considers this a normal business courtesy. U.S. Federal government regulations and some state or local government agencies do not permit their employees to accept food or refreshments from contractors doing business with them. IBM provides this notice to assist you in ensuring that your acceptance of the amenities is in compliance with your employer’s internal policies. If your receipt of the amenities during your attendance and participation in the event presents an issue, please advise IBM, and plan for alternate meal options.



1 Calle San Geronimo Grounds, Suite 13, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00901, United States