IBM Z Customer Council – Raleigh, NC

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  •  December 7, 2023
     9:00 AM EST - 3:00 PM EST






Join Us!

The mainframe landscape is continually changing. We will cover how the platform has evolved to deliver new business services and capabilities and how you can harness them.


To kick off the day, Gerald Mitchell, Randy Campbell, and Alisa Morse will discuss the new suite of testing tools and capabilities for mainframe developers, covering unit and early integration testing, testing frameworks via the Galasa project, and virtual z/OS development and testing instances. This is key to shift left testing and improving the quality and speed of mainframe application development and deployment.

Next, join the IBM Office of the CIO as Danny Mulick and Rosalind Radcliffe walk you through the journey of a long lived z/OS data warehouse adopting devops tools and practices. Through a source code migration to GitHub and the adoption of a CI/CD pipeline for code delivery, this data warehouse was able to catapult itself into the modern world for development and deployment standards as well as open the door for many others to follow. works with customers worldwide implementing IBM Z DevOps solutions. She will share insights, lessons learned, and best practices from these engagements.

Then, hear from Suman Gopinath as she shares her experience working with customers worldwide implementing IBM Z DevOps solutions. She will share insights, lessons learned, and best practices from these engagements.

Continuing after lunch, learn about IBM’s newly acquired Netherlands-based company, IntelliMagic from Dan Wiegand and Todd Havekost. In February 2024, IBM acquired IntelliMagic, which is focused on IBM Z performance analysis. IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS leverages an easy-to-use interface for drilling down into IBM Z performance data providing users with more than 30,000 prebuilt reports delivering visibility into system health, potential performance issues, and infrastructure details.

To wrap up the day, Dan Wiegand will speak on how IBM zAIOps continues to leverage new capabilities for managing IBM Z as part of a hybrid infrastructure. Understand how data drives everything from observability to embedding new machine learning and AI for rapidly identifying and responding to IT operations issues. Get a sneak peek at IBM’s new next generation AI driven AIOps solution IBM Z Operations Unite.



8:00 AM Gather & Networking
8:45 AM Introductions
Morning Sessions Focus on IBM zDevOps
9:00 AM
IBM’s Testing Solution for Mainframe Shift Left Testing
Gerald Mitchell,
Randy Campbell,
Alisa Morse,
10:00 AM
10:20 AM Using DevOps to Modernize a Large Decades Old Data Warehouse
Danny Mulick, z/OS Application Developer
Rosalind Radcliffe, IBM Fellow and CTO of DevSecOps
11:20 AM
Best Practices for Building a CI-CD Pipeline for z/OS Applications
Suman Gopinath,
12:20 PM
Afternoon Sessions Focus on IBM Z and z/OS AIOps Solutions
1:30 PM
Deep Dive Performance Analysis with IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS
Dan Wiegand, zAIOps Principal Product Manager
Todd Havekost, IBM IntelliMagic Consultant
2:30 PM
2:40 PM Modernizing Systems Management with IBM Z AIOps
Dan Wiegand, zAIOps Principal Product Manager
3:40 PM Departure


For more information, contact your IBM representative or hosts Tali de Gourville [email protected] or DeWayne Hughes – [email protected].


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4400 Sharon Rd, Charlotte, North Carolina